Revenge of the Nerds
The Armageddon Expo showcases some of the greatest pop culture names in comics, movies, television and it’s right here in Christchurch on April 29th & 30th.
We’ve put together a selection of the best places to visit to unleash your inner nerd. Cinema nerds, board game nerds, computer nerds and music nerds unite in this celebration of Central City experiences.
With over 10,000 car parks in the city centre, find one where you need it.
Central City
From the Cathedral Square markets to the Margaret Mahy playground, these beloved central city experiences always draw us back to the CBD.
Central City Classics
From the Cathedral Square markets to the Margaret Mahy playground, these beloved central city experiences always draw us back to the CBD.
Whiti-reia Cathedral Square
Cathedral Square, locally known simply as the Square.

Transitional Cathedral
The Cardboard Cathedral, formally called the Transitional Cathedral, in Christchurch, New Zealand, is the transitional...

Captain James Cook Statue
The Cook Statue in Victoria Square, Christchurch, commemorates the three journeys of James Cook to New Zealand.