Chapman’s Homer - Bull Sculpture
Michael Parekowhai's amazing artwork is back in the city, and now located just outside the Christchurch Art Gallery!
The overall title for the project is based on the poem ‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’ by the nineteenth-century English Romantic poet John Keats. In this Keats describes a Spanish adventurer climbing to the top of a hill in what is now Panama and looking out over the Pacific to survey its potential riches for the first time.
With over 10,000 car parks in the city centre, find one where you need it.
Central City
From the Cathedral Square markets to the Margaret Mahy playground, these beloved central city experiences always draw us back to the CBD.
Central City Classics
From the Cathedral Square markets to the Margaret Mahy playground, these beloved central city experiences always draw us back to the CBD.
Dahlias Artwork
Seven oversized dahlias bloom in the central city.

Captain James Cook Statue
The Cook Statue in Victoria Square, Christchurch, commemorates the three journeys of James Cook to New Zealand.

Dcypher Oxford Terrace - Street Art
Guy Ellis, known as Dcypher and George Shaw bring this amazing hand painted artwork to the front of Riverside Market....